


The two-year Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) CBCS Programme aims at developing the understanding and competencies required by practicing teachers for effective teaching-learning process at the secondary stage. This programme prepares prospective teachers to understand the psychological and sociological aspects of the child’s development and also understand his behaviour under different conditions. The course work combined with rigorous practice of teaching prepares teacher trainees to master the art of teaching and the ability to deal with students based on their individual differences in various classroom situations.
Sanctioned Strength: 100 (Two Units): Subjects offered:

Sanctioned Strength: 100 (Two Units): Subjects offered:
  •  Tamil Education: Eligibility (B.A.Tamil / B.Lit.)
  • English Education: Eligibility (B.A. in English/B.A English Language and Literature)
  • Mathematics Education: Eligibility (B.Sc. in Maths/B.Sc. Applied Maths/B.E. /B.Tech. )
  • Physical Science Education: Eligibility (B.Sc.in Physics /Chemistry /Bio- Physics / Geo- Physics /
  • Applied Theoritical Physics / Applied Chemistry / Electronics / B.E./B.Tech.)
  • Computer Science Education: Eligibility (B.Sc. in Computer Science / B.Sc. (IT) Information Technology/B.C.A. /BE /B.Tech.-CS,IT,Bio-Technology)
  • Biological Science Education: Eligibility (B.Sc in Botany,Zoology,Plant Biology,Plant Bio-Technology,Bio- Technology,Environmental Science , Micro Biology, B.E/B.Tech-Bio-Technology)
  • History Education: Eligibility (B.A History)
  • Geography Education: Eligibility (B.Sc Geography/ Applied Geography)
  • Economics Education: Eligibility (M.A Economics)
  • Commerce Education: Eligibility (M.Com)
Note: 3 Years Diploma in Engineering shall be treated as equivalent to +2
B.Ed_Regulations_and_Syllabus_Semester Pattern 2021-2022
A candidate shall be eligible for admission to the course leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Provided:
  1. The candidate who have undergone 10+2+3 (15) or 11+1+3 (15) pattern of study and passed the X and XII examinations conducted by the respective State Board or CBSE or any other recognized Board of Education / Examination and UG Degree examination of the UGC approved Universities in any one of the school subjects offered by the Directorate of School Education at the Secondary /Higher Secondary Education level.
  2. Candidates who have passed the UG or PG degree in Open University System without qualifying in 11 years SSLC examination and I year of Pre-University Course (PUC) examination or 10+2 pattern of school education examination shall not be considered for admission.
  3. However, candidates not qualified in XII examination or PUC but possessing Two Years Bachelor Preparatory Programme Certificate / Two years Foundation Course Certificate / TwoYears Diploma Course conducted by State Government/ recognized Universities and qualified with three years UG Degree course are also considered to be eligible for admission.
  4. Candidates who have studied more than one main subject in Part III (under Double / Triple Major System) of UG Degree course should have to choose only one of the main subjects and should have applied for that Optional only. In such cases, marks obtained by the candidates in Two / Three major subjects shall be taken into account to arrive percentage of marks stipulated in item (viii).
  5. Candidates who have passed under Double Degree / Additional Degree Programme with less than three years duration are not eligible for admission.
  6. Candidates who have qualified in PG Degree (5 year integrated course) under 10+2+5 or 11+1+5 pattern of study shall be considered for admission. In such cases, the marks obtained by the candidates in the first three years (in major and ancillary / allied subjects alone) of the course alone shall be taken into account for admission .
  • a) Candidates who have done their UG degree in Applied Mathematics can apply for Mathematics
  • b) Candidates who have done their UG degree in Applied Physics, Geo-Physics, Bio- Physics and Electronics can apply for Physical Science.
  • c) Candidates who have done their UG degree in Biochemistry and Applied Chemistry can apply for Physical Science.
  • d) Candidates who have done their UG degree in Biotechnology, Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology can apply for Biological Science.
  • e) Candidates who have done their UG degree in Environmental Science and Micro-Biology can apply for Biological Science.
  • f) Candidates who have done their UG degree in Computer Science, Information Technology and Computer Applications etc., can apply for Computer Science.
A candidate shall be eligible for admission to the course leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Provided:
Note :
  • (a) Marks obtained by the candidates in UG degree course Part III Major and Allied including Practicals (other than Economics, Commerce, Home Science, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Logic and Indian Culture) alone shall be taken into account to arrive at the percentage of marks mentioned above.
  • (b) Marks obtained by the candidates in PG degree (other than Economics) shall not be considered for admission.
  • (c) To arrive at above percentage of marks, the marks obtained by the candidates in Major and Allied subjects including Practicals alone shall be taken into account.
  • (d) Rounding off of marks to the next higher integer will not be permitted.
  • (e) Candidates who have passed PG Degree in Economics, Commerce, Home Science, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Logic and Indian Culture without undergoing 10+2+3 or 11+1+3 pattern of education shall not be considered for admission.
  • (f) In the case of Physically or Visually Challenged candidates, a minimum pass in the degree is enough.
  • (g) Post graduate candidates in Economics, Commerce, Home Science, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Logic and Indian Culture with 50% (irrespective of their UG mark) of marks in PG Degree or in the interdisciplinary subjects which are being declared equivalent by the respective University can apply. However, the basis of selection shall be in accordance with the Regulations of the University / Government of Tamil Nadu Guidelines for admission to B.Ed course in force from time to time.

Duration Of The B.Ed Course

The B.Ed. programme shall be for duration of two academic years consisting of four semesters. Each semester is spread over for a period of 100 working days (36 hours in a week spreading over for 5 or 6 working days in a week, excluding the period of examination and admission.


The Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University (TNTEU) offers the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program. The curriculum for the B.Ed. program typically covers a range of subjects related to education, pedagogy, teaching methodologies, and practical teaching experiences. While I can’t provide the exact details of the curriculum as it might have been updated or changed, I can give you a general overview of what subjects and areas are commonly included in a B.Ed. curriculum:

  1. Foundation Courses: These courses provide an understanding of the philosophical, sociological, and psychological foundations of education. They may include topics like educational psychology, philosophy of education, sociology of education, and history of education.
  2. Core Pedagogy Courses: These courses focus on teaching methodologies, instructional strategies, and assessment techniques. They cover topics such as curriculum development, educational technology, classroom management, and assessment and evaluation.
  3. Subject-specific Pedagogy: B.Ed. programs often include courses that focus on the methods and strategies for teaching specific subjects, such as mathematics, science, social studies, language arts, or other subject areas.
  4. Field Experience/Internship: Practical teaching experience is a crucial component of B.Ed. programs. Students typically spend time in schools or educational settings, observing experienced teachers, assisting in classrooms, and eventually teaching under supervision.
  5. Elective Courses: Some programs may offer elective courses that allow students to explore specialized areas of interest within education, such as special education, inclusive education, educational leadership, or counseling.
  6. Research and Thesis: Some B.Ed. programs require students to complete a research project or thesis, where they conduct original research on an educational topic of their choice under the guidance of a faculty member.

It’s important to note that specific course offerings and curriculum structure may vary between institutions and may be subject to updates and revisions over time. If you’re looking for detailed information on the B.Ed. curriculum at Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, I would recommend reaching out directly to the university or checking their official website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

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